I really really really really really really really really don't want to start work again. I wish money could come to me with no work at all. I wish money wouldn't exist at all and everything would be free since I am now officialy broke. $0 and tomorrow I most likely put the chains of Target back on.
I liked Chicago because I didn't have to pay for gas!
The past few days have been pretty fun though. A last party before my death. Though I didn't go to prom, I did go to post-prom and won Dance Dance Revolution for the XBox 360. I don't have an XBox 360. I thought it was an XBox 360 so I put all my tickets on it. However I did sell it for $80 and with a $25 gift card bought a digital camera [with help from my parents.] I finnaly have my own camera! It's pretty nice too! 7.2 megapixels and pretty slim/sleek. Time to photoshoots??
Anyway after post-prom a bunch of us went camping at Lake Shabbona for their senioe skip day. We roasted food, smores and played cherry bomb in the dark for almost two hours! The next day we went to Dawson's lake house. It looked small on the outside, but it was a mansion inside. I came only because I was enticed with driving a waverunner, which I have done before. However he was a prick and didn't trust me! I didn't even get to ride it!! It was still a fun time and no, I didn't get a tan.
Today Johnny, Paul and I hung out. It was pretty fun. We did the usual stay in Paul's house playing video games for hours. He had City of Hereos which I am now wanting!!
Anyway, now I must go enjoy what little freedom I will have left.