I keep getting worse and worse at blogging... BUT I do have an excuse! It's called college.
I had two term papers (one in history and English) , one major project (anthropology), a strange/hard philosophy class and the ever challenging Greek class to deal with this last semester. My first semester was so easy compared to what I just went through!! Most likely it probably wasn't as difficult as I am making it out to be, but I'm lazy. 'Nuff said!
Anyway, school is over now, and I am sitting in my lonely, dark dorm room with all of my useless crap packed tightly into four plus suitcases. My dad is bringing more tomorrow. My roommate, Γιαννις and almost everyone of my friends has left. I don't have any food because my refrigerator is gone. Actually, I never had any food before my refrigerator was gone. Everything is so sad and depressing!! But I go home tomorrow for my last summer in Batavia. By August, hopefully I will have an apartment in Chicago.
I feel like my life is moving in fast-forward, like I am being forced to grow up way too soon. Don't get me wrong, I want an apartment! But I also want to still feel like a college student, which sometimes is only achievable in the dorms. They are gross and people invade your privacy, but the friendships and bonds that one creates are worth it. I really don't know what to think anymore.
God, I really don't have anything else to say. After so long, I have nothing to say. You would think I would write a huge entry about anything and everything. A lot has happened, but I don't want to bore anyone. Who cares that I got caught up in a bank robbery downtown with a gun pointed to my head as I kicked the man in the balls saving the day and becoming a hero.
Not even my pathetic attempt at a extravagant lie could make this post any more interesting...
Pessimistic - Back to the suburban waste land that is Batavia!
Optimistic - Back to the place I call home!
Pessimistic - Back to slaving at Target!
Optimistic - Back to my closest friends!!
YAY ur comming home!!!! i have missed u sooooooooooooo soooooooooooo sooooooooooo much!!! call me and we will get together!!!!
Lots of love!!!!!
you had me going for a minute with the bank robbery thing.
Good old Batavia...I'm wearing a windmill-themed t-shirt right now.
Oh, and I want to do a lot of Greek this summer, teach me!
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