Sorry about the lack of posting lately, but I just got over the worst spring break in my life, and its up there on the list as one of the worst weeks of my life to date.
Monday seemed bright and cheery, until I had my foot surgery for the plantar's wart that has been stuck in my foot for years. I can still remember Kristi Carlson trying to dig it out of my foot. I let it go for so long and it grew to become a monster. Surgery was the only practical solution. The rest of Monday and Tuesday was spent with me laying down, watching TV.
Tuesday night I began to feel strange. Wednesday morning I had a full blown fever, one that would not go away until Sunday night. I have never been so unproductive in my life or watched so much "Everybody Loves Raymond." I hate that show. I hated it before I was sick. At one point, my fever reached to 104 and I couldn't stop dry heaving. My mother took me to the hospital in the wee hours of Thursday morning, where I spent a good three or four hours. The diagnosis: infectious mononucleosis, a.k.a. mono. Great!
I can't stop sleeping now. My throat doesn't really hurt that much anymore, but the exhaustion is getting to me. I am also thrilled to hobble around campus in my stylish boot.
Despite these major set backs, I feel motivated and happy. It is getting warmer out, the semester is close to being done with, and I am ready to get my life going! This semester has sucked thus far. It began with major depression from reverse culture shock and moving back into the dorms, continued to suck with my sickness, but is finally (I hope) turning around. I just hope I can get a good job so I can live here over the summer!
I still need a concentration of studies for history and I am still unsure of what to do. Any ideas?
Photo by Elliot Erwitt
Both of Justin's bosses have History Majors.. one focused on American History between 1950- and 1970 (VERY unofficially... he just kept talking his way out classes like colonial American history..) and the other focused on something to do with military action/wars... I know your not interested in either of those.. I jsut wanted to share...
PLUS- I had to have a reason to tell you to check out my blog, I added music!!
Spring Break sounded like crap... I'm glad your boot is oh-so-stylish! In 6th grade my mom sewed sequins and bells to my boot. I had broken my leg that year. Maybe you can rock sequins and bells too!
I think you should make a list of the different historical periods that you enjoy and the different ones that you hate. Lists make everything better!
Did you make out with the wart technician?
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