Inspired by the list of "55 more things I hope you blog about," found by Kayla, I have decided to blog about other things than my life.
47. Why I Hate Sports
As I looked down the list, this one made me laugh, which means to me that it must be blog worthy.
Honestly, I do not hate sports. I hate playing sports. Watching certain sports can be fun. I went to every single football game and many basketball games in high school, mainly because as a geek I was required to for marching and pep band. I enjoyed myself though and learned a lot about the games. However, I would find myself staring at #29's butt or wondering why football players could be so hot. But that's getting off topic.
My main queef with sports is my inability to play them. I suck at any sport known to man. Period. With little to no coordination in my 6'4" (maybe 6'3") body, I find myself overly embarrassed anytime I step up to bat, or attempt to kick a soccer ball as hard as I can leading to a disastrous fall backward. Once in high school gym while I was waiting in line to bat, I found myself nervously scratching parts of my fingers so much that it bled. How could high school gym or sports make me so anxious?
Perhaps it was because I was usually younger than those around me. Maybe I had a crush on a certain guy in the outfield. Actually during my junior year of high school, I had a huge crush on this guy in my class which made me even more nervous whenever I was playing something with him. But other than that, I really think it was because I didn't want to look like a fool around other people. My self esteem back then rested upon how others viewed me, and not being able to play sports could ruin that, or so I thought. I know better now, sometimes. My roommate kept trying to get me to play volleyball with him and his friends, and I would always refuse. I guess I really have to trust that people are not going to make fun of me when I completely fail at sports.
Damn all you soccer balls, footballs, baseballs, volleyballs, basketballs, golf balls, eclipse balls (only found in Batavia High School), racquet balls, tennis balls, bowling balls (it's a sport!), and other various balls! You make things so hard for me!
Immature side note: There are a lot of balls in sports. It is strange that I should fail at something so gay sounding.
I am sure if I practiced at a sport, I could get a lot better, but that's assuming I have the time or motivation. I have neither. And when I did, I just didn't care.
You should play volleyball with you roommate! It's such a fun game, and there are six people, so it doesn't matter too much if one isn't up to par.
Personally I always loved the floor hockey and soccer units in gym class. You must have enjoyed hockey at least.
lol hating balls... AHAHHAHA
Actually I've talked to people from other high schools who are familiar with eclipse ball...strangely enough.
I can't believe we played team handball in middle school!
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