Lately, Twitter has become a better platform for me to describe what I am feeling/thinking as well as what I am doing. This is partly the reason for my lack of blogging. Why take a larger amount of time writing a blog entry when I can quickly text anything I want to Twitter? It's a quick blurb of no more than 140 characters, and taken together my tweets may also paint a distinct picture of who I am. Since I haven't blogged in about a month, I will try to recount it through my tweets, though I will exclude retweets (those tweets written by others that I post on my page) and one's with links to other websites.
Right wing nut jobs really bother me down to my core. Go tea bag yourselves Tea Party! 10:08 PM Jan 19th (Following the theme of my last post on the same day)
Way to screw me on my bday CTA 1:02 PM Jan 22nd
Empty bottles everywhere, sticky floor, massive hangover and hazy memory. It was a good night. 2:29 PM Jan 23rd
How random is it that a bird just pooped on me? 1:28 PM Jan 25th
Just saw "The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus," at the Music Box! Both the venue and the film were fantastic! 7:39 PM Jan 25th
Large influxes of cash are always followed by even larger drains like rent or parking tickets. 1:58 PM Jan 26th
I have a Frankenstein-like computer sitting ominously on my desk. It creeps me out each time I go into my room. 1:09 PM Jan 31st
Dharmageddon! 4:08 PM Feb 2nd
Whenever I enter a library, my mind reminds me that I should sleep in it. 1:57 PM Feb 3rd
"Hello sir! Do you like animals?" "Hate them." 12:14 PM Feb 4th
This bus driver is weaving through cars so fast that I fear for my life! 5:05 PM Feb 7th
Ah! Snow tornadoes at UH! Awesome and dangerous! 7:51 AM Feb 9th
After cramming Old Kingdom Egyptology in your head the entire night with no sleep, you start to think in pyramids. 8:44 AM Feb 9th
When I walk into a bookstore I must restrain myself from buying more than one book. 12:40 PM Feb 12th
I have a car in the city for two hours and I already get a parking ticket? *sigh* 4:50 PM Feb 12th
Hipster dance party - the best way to kick off Valentine's Day! 1:37 PM Feb 14th
Dear UIC, please salt your sidewalks before I break my neck. Thanks. 9:33 PM Feb 15th
These two 9s on my quiz have to be wrong, right? about 24 hours ago
Fat Tuesday and I just gorged down a ton of Mac 'n Cheese. Fitting. about 19 hours ago