Not so much going on in the my life lately. Just trying to finish up finals here and the semester. Oh wait. That's a big thing.
So apparently my Greek professor cared this year and I am getting a D in the class. WTF?! I *usually* go to class and do some homework. How does that equate to a D? Though, he said I won't get lower than a C. However, if I did good on my final, he would give me that grade. Come on B!
History is done. Not much to say about that...
Psychology is done and I think I slipped out with a B. Not bad considering I didn't learn anything and hated every moment of it. I felt like I was in high school. However, the final was in a cool, very large lecture hall I had never been in before. I discover new places every day. Next, I must find the legendary underground tunnels of UIC...
So yeah, other than that I work at Garmin, a GPS store on Michigan Avenue. It's kinda weird working on the MagMile. It is the hub of all tourists and what people think about when "Chicago" is mentioned. Now I am apart of that. YAY! But no, seriously, there are too many people. Stupid people for that. Tourists is what we call them. Anything from hicks to Europeans to Asians. They come out of the woodwork during the holidays. Actually, I had a guy come in from Batavia yesterday, though he was very hickish/dumb. I wanted to slap him and yell, "Way to not represent me!" I'm lame.
I don't know what I feel this X-mas season. For the first time, I am not at Target or Batavia. It's strange. However, I do have a 7ft tall tree, decked to the halls with seasons greetings. LMAO. I expected Oliver to see it, and run full force into it, knocking it down out of the window and to the street. But he was afraid instead.
Becca, oh Becca. Soon you will move out, leaving Johnny and I to suffer at the hands of financial responsibility. Thanks a lot. T_T <---
Tonight, I go clubbing for the first time in months. Many months. And I will be sure to post all about my gay adventures!
When you write about hickish/dumb people I am reminded of the stupid parents that I had to serve at Chuck E Cheese. You would be surprised at how many there were and the crazy number of kids they would have.
I'm not holding my breath for the clubbing post.
Becca's moving out? Is that what you meant?
Clubbing adventures. Pffft, been there, grinded with that!
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