It seems that because I don't party every single night at college, I seem to be some sort of an outcast. Is it so wrong to want to remember fun times and not be under the influence of one thing or another constantly? I see people all around me party all the time. Wait! Aren't you at school? Don't you have homework? One word to describe them - Idiots. Sure I've been to parties (Emily shut your mouth!) and I will have fun once in awhile. But excuse me for wanting to learn and have friendships not built on drugs and alcohol.
I hope they all drop out real quick and get their parents pissed at them! Sadistic I know.
I have procrastinated for over a week and put my English paper off. And now I have been sitting here all day trying to pump this out without faking it. I try to work hard on every assignment. I flew threw High School but I'm afraid of doing that here cause it won't happen.
Biggest development - I got contacts. They are only a trial pair and I go back Saturday for a check up. It took me along time to get them in and out the first time, but I was with the doctor. When I was alone the first time I freaked! I'm getting much better and my fear of the eye has gone down a lot. This weird guy the works at the desk in my dorm always will comment whether I am wearing my glasses or not. Every time I pass him. He kind of scares me...
Last night Chi-T and I realized we were the only two people on the entire floor. It was so quiet and boring that we started to run around, dance, do gymnastics and other crazy things. We then settled down to play some games and whatnot. Another girl that plays video games. Those are rare to come by.
I will not get fat, I will not get fat, I will not get fat, I will not get fat, I will not get fat, I will not get fat!
Who am I convincing? You or me?
I really need to get back to homework. Stop distracting ME!
Sounds like your life might be a little caddy wampus, if you catch my drift.
hey i play video games too!!!!!!
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