Ever have a moment where your walking by yourself in a crowded place, completely shut out to anything and anyone around you, and then suddenly you trip, allowing everyone to notice you? Happens to me all the time. Damn that ice.
I woke up today and said, "Its my birthday. I am not going to class." Five minutes later I get up and run out the door before I missed the shuttle. That however did not work and as I saw the shuttle quickly leave, I realized this is going to be a weird day.
I did however skip my Anthropology class. Sitting in an enormous lecture hall with about 350 other students makes me feel unimportant, so I don't go. I didn't want to be bored today. This is my day! I can be a bitch.
I ended up walking around the new apartments in Greek town trying to find the entrance to look around. There was a sign that said "MODEL OPEN! COME IN!" False advertising. I was cold, tired and wet from the nasty slush of Chicago.
Ok, so I guess I'm bitching a lot. It really hasn't been that bad of a day. I guess I am just tired/exhausted. My weekend was tiring. I went back home on Friday and spent about an half hour with the boy on his lunch break. I then waited around the area until 12.45 when he got off. I got so bored I ended up singing Wicked in my car right while I froze to death. But it was all good cause I spent another half hour at Steak & Shake.
The next day was spent going to Naperville on a whim to visit Zachary. We didn't do much, but it was still enjoyable. We did take a walk around random places while attempting to be camera whores. I need to smile more...
That night we went clubbing after everyone got back from Sadies. It was fun, though not as fun as past times I have been. PDA is still an issue and it only makes things worse when we get strange/mean looks. We also believe we got hit on, but we can never really be sure. Yago was there with some of her friends as was Thomas Taber, though I never actually saw him. I was supposed to get my boy back home at 2 AM but due to the amount of good songs playing, it turned out to be 3 AM.
Even though he was grounded, I did manage a short 45 minute visit with him. We found out that we have always been around each other in life, and yet never noticed it. Very strange and eerie. Anyway, I jumped on a train at 8.37 PM only to find Ian. I attempted to read my homework, but ended up talking to Ian most of the time. It was fun and made the long ride home little less long.
And now I'm 19. I am at the end of teenage years! OH NO! Even though legally I have been an adult since 18, 20 is a big milestone. Now I am very disturbed and have to go think about this some more...
Yeah, I'm not exactly looking forward to 19, but it's still one more year, right?
Happy Birthday...kinda late on here lol.
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