Yet another reminder of my impending college days. Last night was my graduation party, which consisted of little children running around, people EVERYWHERE in my house, lots of unhealthy food, and freezing cold temperatures. Though it became very hectic at times and the some of the kids became very annoying to say the least, it was still very enjoyable. After the older crowd left, us "youngins" had a nice small bonfire in my backyard. Devin wanted us to join hers, however some of the people didn't know Devin and were having a good time at my house. So we just decided to stay.
I was very worried that people would be standing around, bored as hell and not eating. Many of my friends clinged on to my Gamecube via Super Smash Bros. Melee for entertainment. I was not happy with the temperature, but many people did go outside and played with the kids or were warmed by the fire while making 'smores.
I am glad that I was able to be surrounded by my good friends one last time before we all go our own ways. It's depressing to think about and almost makes me wish I wasn't going to college. Almost.
The picture above has nothing to do with my party. It is another of the series Zachary, Merika and I took of the broken down places in Batavia.
You should put other people's blogs in your link list (like mine). That's what Graham and Rachel do on their blogspots.
I won't forget about you. Don't worry. :) By the way, nice party! Definitely one of the more exciting ones (even without a jumpy thingy).
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