Really, nothing eventful has happened, happening or will happen (so I believe). Some people have wondered why I have not blogged as of late (Zachary) and it's because my life is boring. It is not always this way, just in this purgatory I'm in between high school and college. I believe its called summer, but I haven't been able to tell. Summer hasn’t meant much ever since sophomore year in high school. Sure, I do things with my friends. But it still isn’t the same now that I work. I remember the days where I would burnt red all over my body except for my feet which would be pitch black. What good days those were. Thank you Target for consuming my life. But if it wasn’t Target, then something else would be eating me. Let's just be glad I don't work at places such as the Woof Wash or the Library... ;)
I earned that biggest spender award at Devin's party. After paying almost $300 back just to make up for my numerous "bounces" and hefty fees, I realized something has to change. No more Starbucks during work anymore. No more trips to the mall. No more $40 pair of shorts...or where they $60? I’m going "cold turkey" style. Maybe I will start a budget. However it is very difficult to know my monthly income when it changes every two weeks. But I need to start saving more and being chaste...with my money that is.
The "Freshman 15" scares me. Even though I may be a pile of bones right now, I have seen people plump out fairly quickly. I have become much more aware of all the crap I eat. And it's not even gaining weight that scares me. Diabetes runs in my family, and I am addicted to sugar. Pop is a rare thing in my house anymore, which is good. Water will do me just fine. But there are cookies and chocolate stored in the secret places of my home that will kill me one day. These are my goals. Spend wisely and eat healthy. Now, to actually achieve them...
Again, the picture above has no correlation to my blog. I just like it.
I like the picture too. And that sucks that you got a B in band but yes, we are done with that hole!! w00H00!!!:)
Wow Mike, such sensaible, mature goals! I'm having fun this summer. I just like how simple and carefree it is for me...plus I cannot wait to go to Japan or college, so for once I'm not trying to make this thing go any slower. Are you reading "Diary"...okay why am I typing this much? I'll talk to later.
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