Life in Batavia is...boring to say the least. In reality, there is much to do, but as Midwest rich brats, we have exhausted these options and are bored with them. So we seek adventure rather than sit around. Today, since this boredom was bothering us and I was forced out of my home due to carpet cleaning, Merika, Zachary and I explored. And with a camera!
We found two deserted (we think) factories or warehouses. In fact, we don't know what they were. They were both filled with random junk, some old, some new. And it all had this weird vibe. The spoils, other than sentimental memories, were not great. However a few good shots were taken, the one above being one, and two tins were found. One was an old tobacco tin and the other had candy from God-knows-when.
These are the forgotten places. The buildings that people pass by in the luxury cars and SUVs without a second glance. Zachary noted that it looked like a third world country, and how right he was. It is ironic that less than a mile from these dark spots is fanciful and large houses, shops and people. However, nothing lasts forever.
Wow great picture. I love that kind of stuff. Run-down factories, etc. And you definitely have the best url ever! hehehe. Check out my blog sometime (just click on my name).
Mr. Wood Wood that picture is amazing!
Pfft. Trying to sound all "profound" *scoff*
hey, dont piss on my blog! :(
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