Let me tell you a story. It happened last night at Target right at 10 pm when the store closed. I was helping at the front lanes to get the last of the guests, as we call them, out of the store.
A lady in my lane scoffed about how long I took with the last guest. I'm sorry but the previous guest wanted her Peanut M&M's. There was nothing I could do about it. After I scanned all her items, the total came to $31.43. I remember the exact amount because I was so angry.
She had a gift card with $8.21 on it. I scanned it and it deducted $8.21 from the total cost. On the screen it said "Payment: $8.21" She than gave me $8.21 thinking that is what she owed when in reality she owed about $23.22 I was not paying attention took it. I typed in an extra $8.21 in cash, but there was still $15.01 to be paid. I told her and she took the cash back from me. She thought she owed only $15.01.
Since she took the cash back from me, I asked another cashier how to cancel out the tender that was paid to me. He didn't know. I told her that $8.21 is going to be added to the amount due since she took the money back. She started blaming me for overcharging her and kept telling me it was my fault. I calmly tried to explain it to her, but she wouldn't listen.
Something snapped. She blamed me. I wasn't going to take any more crap. I take shit from people everyday at Target and I am tired of it. So I got mad, and she could clearly see it, as did the other cashier who promptly called the manager of the front lanes. Jen came over and I explained the situation to her. After I was done, the "guest" said, "No, this is how it really happened," and said how I told her she owed $8.21 and then added another $8.21 to the total cost.
Jen is not stupid and saw what happened and explained it to the lady. It took a few more tries but she finally understood. Even though Jen was saying the same thing I was, the lady understood her cause she didn't want to listen to me. It was very awkward after Jen left and the guest paid for the rest.
In retrospect, it wasn't a big deal, but like I said, something snapped inside of me and I got very mad. It had been a long day.
The picture, that is how I felt.