I woke up yesterday morning to three things:
1) One dog was scared of the storms and shoved his face into mine hoping I would console him
2) The other dog decided to lie on my bed and take up half of the room, leaving little for me
3) A horrible and never-ending thirst
I tried everything. Brushing my teeth, eating cereal, drinking juice even a little bit of water. But nothing quenched my thirst. I knew what I wanted. Lemonade. But it was 9 am! Isn't against some unwritten rule to drink sugary things that early? I didn't care. I hurried over to Target and bought the lemonade that was calling to me. As I drank it, I knew it was the best lemonade ever.
Being bored and having nothing to do, I watched the movie I got from the library. The Machinist. Christian Bale (Batman Begins) was the main character. He was 120 lbs. Worse than me. Worse than Paul. Every bone of his body was sticking out. His head was all skull and skin. I about puked. The plot line doesn’t matter. The skeleton walking around distracted me.
A bunch of us went to Naperville last night as well. The list included Ian, Kayla, Tim, Christina, Lindsay, Megan, Devin, Kyle and Jimmy. We ate at Mongolian Barbecue. It was do-your-own Stir Fry and a lot of fun. The place was busing with fun, heat/steam and the price was a wee bit high. Afterward we walked around the town stopping at Barnes and Noble. As the night and heat dragged on we found and funny looking fountain and what else would we do but jump in to the amazement of many bystanders. We had ourselves some drunken fun without any alcohol. The drive home was a bit drenched but it was worth it.
The last get together before the inevitable. :(
1 comment:
mmmm...I heart mongolian barbecue.
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