Night changes many thoughts. I am now prepared and excited to move on. At the party tonight, I wasn't sad, surprisingly, as I said goodbye to people I may not see until next winter, the people I have grown to love and be with.
This sounds bad but hear me out. I'm not sad to say goodbye to everyone. Not that I won't miss them. In fact I will miss many of them too much to express. But I am glad that they will also be moving on in their lives, having different and exciting futures. It's the course of life. Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. Wow, I guess that has duel meanings in my life these days...
My room is becoming bare and ugly. My whole life is either packed into a box sitting around my room or either in a trash heap far away where it will decompose for years. Or do they burn trash? I've moved many times before, but this is different. I will be alone. Away from my family, my friends and my dogs! Oh lord I don't know what I will do without Graeme by my side. I know this sounds pathetic right? But he has been MY dog and my best friend for six years now. I don't know what he will do all alone with that bitch Maggie ruling the house. The brat.
To my friends I say goodbye. I don't know if I will ever find people as interesting, quirky and loving than the ones I have now. I will miss you all dearly and I hope the best to you all in life. I'm sorry for whatever stupid thing I did to you. I'm sorry if I ever treated you wrongly. I'm sorry if I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry if I didn't get to know you.
Come to Chicago sometime. I will show you a good time...once I know my way around...
"...once I know my way around..."
I was about to interject that.
Oh shut up! You're only an hour away!
Just kidding. It's so weird having you, Ian, Paul, Lynn, and Merika leave for college this week. It's like I'm seeing my future! I still haven't done everything for college, and I'm nervous about when it'll be my time to freak out.
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