The past few days have crawled by and I feel like I've been here longer than I really have. The morning I moved in I was anxious and unsure of what to do or think. However sad it may be to leave your family, it's also exciting to go off and start a new life apart from them. My mother was also very sick and unable to see my off. Sort of a downer, but nonetheless I am only 45 minutes to an hour away.
My dorm isn't as big as I would have liked, but after some reorganizing it looks much better. I'm very glad that I like most of the people here. Within the first day alone I met very nice and funny people. I hope I don't scare them. I can be very weird...
I found out how much of an escape the Internet is and how often we use it. I never realized before...
I've wandered around the city, walked far, VERY far, and figured out how to use the el. The el is the train/subway system for all of you non-city folk. Now if I could only figure out those damn buses I would be good!
I woke up to the strong smell of marijuana this morning. I was wondering if I was going to get high of the fumes. Welcome to college!
The food is not bad here. I get one meal a day at the cafeteria, and then about $500 for the semester to use anywhere including the fast food restaurants littered around campus. However $500 on my stomach may not be enough. I'm trying to eat healthy! And I walk a lot so I think I'm safe from the "Freshman 15."
There was a foam party the other night. It was a bit lame, but I am a lame person so of course I jumped right in. However I did not know the dangers of this foam. It stung the eyes, and hid a small concrete structure that killed many people. But the worst vice of all happened when none other than your friendly/clumsy buffoon, Michael Wood, accidentally swallowed a large chunk of foam. I gasped for air as I struggled out of the foam. As I started to dry heave the head RA was asking me if I was all right. Do I look all right? How about some water? I didn't go back in.
This blog is very sporadic and not linear in its time frame. Confused? So am I.
Wait, a concrete structure killed many people? Zuh?
Oh, and you used vice wrong. It means "sin" or something sort of evil like lust or murder...which are sins.
it was a sin...
Walking/Running 1 mile = 100 calories.
You swallowing foam is not a sin.
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