It never stops raining. Except for the past few minutes Uranus has been mating with Ge. I just got out of classics class. Don't ask.
My first day of class, I woke up late. Not late as in "I missed my class," but later than I wanted to get up. I rushed out the door putting on clothes fitting for a warm sunny day. I was soaked before I reached the bus stop. I also forgot to buy some books and notebooks. The whole day I seemed to be behind, never able to catch up. I was wet, cold and pissed by the time I arrived back at my dorm.
Today I woke up on time, though getting to an 11 o'clock class is not hard. I decided I needed to shave and it was a perfect time to use my new electric shaver. I had used it once before and it didn't cut very close and left patches of hair. However the manual says it takes time getting used to it. So I gave it my time.
I should shave every morning, that way it doesn’t leave as much behind. However I am lazy and shave every few days. After I went through once, I had an uneven strange looking beard. I kept going over it but it didn't seem to do much. So I brought my trimmer out which also can double as a small shaver. It was still in its shiny new package that I broke a pair of scissors trying to open. I need to explain to Pat why his scissors are now in two pieces.
After struggling with the package for five minutes, I got to use it. However, I had never charged it. It died within three seconds. So I gave it some time to charge while I got dressed. I came back and used the regular shaver some more. Now my bathroom has no storage space or counters, except a small metal overhang off the mirror, which is broken, and hangs down a bit. I foolishly set my trimmer on this piece of crap. It fell into the toilet. Things started to go south from there.
My shaver decided to eject the blades on its own will. I could not get them back on. I relied on my small, wet trimmer to do the rest of the job. But it still was not charged enough. I had very little time left to get to the shuttle and get to my class. I had no choice but to leave my face as is. Again I hope it would be nice out. The moment I stepped out those doors it started to drizzle. When I got to the east side it was pouring.
Apart from this my phone is falling apart, literally. The plating is starting to come up making my keys harder to reach and harder to use. Basically everything has gone to hell.
mmm i love me some god sex. hehe. well anyway, sorry about your crappy day. hope things are better tomorrow!
hey, at least you did you know what and made a bunch of new friends. i haven't made any new friends yet!!!! im such a loser! *sigh maybe im being too picky about who i hang out with....idk well i hope your college experience is getting better than mine...i feel so left out! *running away and crying
I'm sorry, but that story is hilarious! It could be in a movie.
...Your new nickname is toilet-face.
I agree with Miles about the hilarity of your shaving SNAFU. So what's this business about you only having one roomate?
Oh, and do you ever read my blog? Cause I don't think you do. I mean, if you want overly descriptive and somewhat lengthy descriptions of my mundane life where else would you go?
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