I'm alone. No spouse, lover, friend with benefits or even a one-night stand. I've always said I like the single life, and I do. But I also wish I had someone to be with. I see all the couples and best friends around me and realize I'm all alone. And yes, I know most of it is my fault. I've avoided a relationship since day one of high school. Plenty of girls have wanted my attention, but I have rejected them. On a worldly level, some weren't of astonishing beauty. And on a deeper level I knew they weren't the one I wanted to spend my life with. Some of my friends said, "You need practice." I say Love doesn’t need practice. Do I expect to Love at first sight? I guess so. Is that unrealistic? Probably. Will I ever Love?
As I drove home from bowling, it hit me. It was nice outside and I just wanted to drive around. I ended up at the middle school and sat on my car looking up at the black sky with the stars I could see. And at that moment I wished I had someone to share it with. My loneliness hit me. It happens at random moments in my life.
And now that my dog has just puked next to me I have lost my train of thought. This emotional (emo) blog is over!
Wow, how emotional...There's always Mackenzie...'s sister.
Anyway, you'll have plenty of options in college.
So, in my world, Kyoto totally sucks. It's 96 degrees here and I get lost a lot. I was here Monday, Friday, and today and I've only seen two things.
...I miss Hiroshima...except for the people handing out flyers that said "Yankees go home and take your nuclear weapons with you".
I agree, "Love doesn't need practice". But as for the rest, I must say you're a little full of yourself. hehe :P Maybe you shouldn't be so concerned with looks. You're not exactly ~~insert hot movie star of the moment~~ yourself. No offense, but honestly lol. I don't believe in love at first sight. What about blind people?!? huh? you hater... :P :D :( :J :)
i know im not mr hot shot, and im not saying looks are everything. just some of the girls (not all) that liked me i didnt find attractive. this sounds horrible but its the truth. i was just in a debbie downer mood that night.
eh, it happens.
A similar mood is exhibited in my last blog post.
I'm sitting here with Merika and she's totally enraged. She says she doesn't even know what to say. merika- i don't! i think about that stuff all the time, i totally think about these "little options" for dates and you totally had a chance to go on a "date" with me but you didn't! it wasn't even going to be a date at all but you just a assumed that i thought it was and yeah.
Hey, I know what you're saying. I'm the same kind of idealist that you are. I look for people I know I'll be happy with for a long time, and with that, hoping things will never go wrong...and so far they haven't. Well nothing serious at least. Love does happen when you least expect it. And no "practice dating will help." Love will find you...trust me.
--A friend
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