Simply stated, this blog is a very straightforward.
I was in Sam's pool for her little get together for the people leaving for college i.e. Merika, Miles, Zachary, Ian, Melissa and I. We were at her aunt's house with pool, food and good times. After hours of swimming/eating I felt a small tinge, though thought nothing of it at first. As I was playing with the goggles and snorkel, my "member" started to burn intensely. And not just anywhere on Mr. Dick, right on his head where there are more nerve endings than anywhere else on my body. Why am I cursed?
After getting out of the pool and inspecting my package I thought it best not to go back into the pool with the chlorine and all...
The rest of the day I struggled to get by. Walking became a chore and everywhere I went I had to hold it, looking as if I was hiding something else...
Amy's mom is a nurse. So Kayla thought it best to ask her what to do. She recommended a warm shower and a good washing. And I followed her instructions. The pain was so extreme my massive sunburn felt like a soothing massage.
If it still hurts tomorrow morning I'm going to a doctor!
How is Little Michael doing? ...wait, don't answer that.
I was at that pool party too!
OMG I totally remember this... I love how many times I'm mentioned in your ancient blogs :)
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